Caldwell JAM
REMINDER - If public schools are closed for inclement weather, JAM classes are cancelled.

Come JAM with us!
Caldwell JAM (Junior Appalachian Musicians) is an Arts Council program that teaches students to sing and play by ear in the ole-time Appalachian tradition. Held after school at four locations across the county, students can choose to learn guitar, fiddle, and mandolin. Classes are held hourly as after-school programs, and students are not required to attend public school to enroll.
All 2024-2025 school year JAM classes will be held at The HUB Station Arts Center in Hudson on Thursdays only.
- 3:30pm - beginner guitar, fiddle, and mandolin
- 4:30pm - intermediate fiddle
- 5:30pm - advanced/performace band
Classes are not held on early release days, school holidays, or when school is closed due to inclement weather.
Additional Program Information
JAM students who need instruments may rent one from the Caldwell Arts Council for $20 for the entire school year. Also students who are enrolled in public school are charged tuition based on their school lunch arrangement, and scholarships may be available. In addition, discounts are available for sibilings and students taking multiple classes. Payments can be made for the entire year or in installments as follows:
- Students who do not receive discounted or free lunch are charged $10/class or $300/year payable in 2 installments of $150 each
- Reduced-lunch students are charged $5/class or $150/year payable in 2 installments of $75 each
- Free-lunch students are charged $3/class or $90/year, payable in 2 installments of $45 each
A limited number of partial and full scholarships are available on a case-by-case basis. Please contact your student's instructor or for information on scholarships.
To register your child for the upcoming school year, click here to complete your registration for school-year JAM. If you have questions, contact us by phone at 828-754-2486 or by email.