
Check back for additional classes, workshops, and summer camps that will be offered at our new facility.

Kids' Classes & Programs

All of Caldwell Arts Council's children's classes and programs are open to all kids regardless of whether they attend public or private school, or are homeschooled. 

Caldwell Junior Appalachian Musicians: Students learn the Appalachian tradition of singing and playing by ear and can choose between guitar, mandolin, and fiddle. Offered year round. Learn more

Artists in Schools: Through a partnership with Caldwell County Schools and the JE Broyhill Civic Center, our Artists in Schools program brings cirriculum-based theatrical performances appropriate for grades K-12. Learn more


Kids' Camps

Summer JAM: This 9-week summer camp is the perfect introduction to year round JAM classes. Held at The HUB Station Arts Center, students learn the Appalachian tradition of singing and playing by ear and can choose between guitar, mandolin, and fiddle. Learn more

Adult Classes & Workshops

Foothills Veterans in Art: Any U.S. Veteran can register to take ongoing fine art and guitar lessons completely free of charge including art supplies and loaner instruments. Learn more

Senior Citizen Dulcimer: This class is currently on hiatus until further notice. As with Foothills VIA, senior citizens can take Appalachian lap dulcimer classes completely free of charge. Learn more